




The high school Advanced Placement program is a College Board program that allows students to access college-level curriculum. This curriculum assists and prepares students for their college or university coursework.

参加AP考试的学生, 每年五月进行, 可以获得大学学分, 这取决于他们的分数和他们打算上的大学. 阅读更多关于正规买足球的App的AP课程.


The International Baccalaureate Diploma program is a series of college preparation courses developed for juniors and seniors. The IB Diploma follows a two-year comprehensive program that incorporates the best elements of college preparation from a number of countries.


要了解更多关于 正规买足球的App国际学士学位课程.


运行开始 is a recognized course of study offered by community colleges and available to high school students who have earned sufficient credits to obtain at least 11th grade standing.

Eligible students must be enrolled in a 华盛顿 state public high school and demonstrate readiness for college level or professional/technical coursework in a college environment.

The program provides high school students the opportunity to enroll in college-level courses for credit, 免费或减免最多15个学分的学费, 同时获得高中学分. 兼职跑步开始注册也是一种选择. The number of credits allowed is determined by the number minutes per week that the student attends high school.  学费、书本费和其他费用由家庭承担. 获得免费或减价午餐的学生可获得费用减免.


  • Students enrolled in “part-time” 运行开始 may run into conflicts with the scheduling of classes at the college AND their high school.
  • If/When there is a conflict in your schedule, your high school classes take precedence.
  • Student’s may need to choose between courses at the high school or the college based on availability.
  • 学生不得早退或迟到.
  • 西雅图学校必须报告官方的累积平均成绩(g).p.a.根据州法律,在所有的成绩单上,这个g.p.a. 没有权重.
  • Grades earned at the college are calculated “within” your official cumulative high school g.p.a.
  • Your College Transcript and your 高中 Transcript may have different grade point averages.
  • College credits earned prior to high school graduation may not transfer to private or out of state colleges. 你有责任核实成绩是否会转学.
  • Families will not have access to college transcripts, records, grade reports, attendance, etc.
  • 在校期间, students should not be on the high school campus unless they are enrolled in a class at the high school.
  • Colleges support for students with disabilities by offering accommodations through 504s and their Offices of 可访问性 or Disability Services.
  • All graduation requirement courses must be completed by the end of winter quarter in order to participate in Seattle 学校 Graduation ceremonies.
  • 退出跑步开始课程, or not enrolling in 运行开始 for a quarter may impact your Seattle 学校 正规买足球的App.
  • Seniors Transcripts are updated in the fall after graduation when official transcripts are received from the college.
  • Students who earn their diploma from the local college must provide documentation to their 高中 registrar in order for records to be accurately maintained, 不这样做可能意味着你的高中成绩单没有显示你已经毕业.
  • 不成功的学生可能会被留校察看. A student may be dismissed from the 运行开始 Program if his/her academic status remains unsatisfactory.
  • The number of credits earned through 运行开始 may impact the number of credits available through the Seattle Promise Scholarship, 详情请咨询西雅图学院.

要了解更多关于跑步开始的选择,请咨询你的高中辅导员, 你当地社区大学的起跑协调员和访问 OSPI运行启动程序.

Many local 运行开始 programs have implemented a vaccine mandate for students taking in-person classes on campus. To understand the policy at your local community college, please contact the college directly.


A 高中的大学 program is a dual credit program in which a college approved eligible high school teacher offers a college course on a high school campus or in a high school environment, and in which eligible students are given the opportunity to earn high school credit to be awarded by a district, 特许学校, or tribal compact school and college credit awarded by the participating institution of higher education.

There are three main differences between 高中的大学 and 运行开始.

首先是课程在哪里开设,由谁来教这门课. 高中的大学 is taught on a high school campus by an eligible high schoolteacher. 《正规买足球的App》是在大学校园里由大学教员教授的课程.

最后,第二个区别是资金. 运行开始 students may enroll tuition free up to the equivalent of a full-time student each term, 最多相当于两年的全日制课程. 高中的大学 students wanting to earn the available college credit may be responsible for paying a fee to the college. 每个大学学分的最高费用不得超过65美元.


A Dual Credit CTE course contains a signed articulation agreement between 正规买足球的App (Career and Technical Education) and at least one community/technical college. Students earn both 高中 and college credits while taking classes at the 高中. 双学分CTE课程也是许多CTE毕业衔接课程的一部分.

了解更多关于双学分CTE的信息, 和你的职业学习协调员或CTE老师谈谈.


Students and families should know that Colleges and Universities receiving and applying these college credits are subject to the that schools’ policies. It is best to review the transfer or dual credit policies for the college you are interested in attending for details on how they apply or treat these types of credits.